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Game Creators

Enjoyable Courses For Developing Digital Skills For Kids

With the rapid development of technology, it’s more important than ever that children prepare for the job market of tomorrow. Game development is one field where people’s skills are always in demand and it’s also an extremely fun sector in which to work.

Game design helps children develop an assortment of vital skills, which is why our courses can make a big difference.

Good digital skills have long been recognised as important and coding and programming are particularly vital. Today’s kids have the advantage of having grown up with such technology, which means they’re more likely to have confidence in this area. However, continual development is important as technology changes so fast.

Game Creators use video games as an educational tool to engage our members.

Our courses teach coding and programming skills via the medium of video games to ages 7+. These involve the use of popular programs like Scratch, Construct and CORE, for which we’ve created customised content that kids will love.

We enable kids to create and publish their own projects with confidence. Your child will go on a journey of discovery as they learn new digital skills.

If you want to know more about our courses, we’re happy to offer a free trial.

If you’re looking for courses for improving kids’ digital skills, contact our team for more information.

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